Day 5 of Advent Joy

Dear Reader, 

 Sometimes Joy comes quietly, and sometimes it comes bursting through our doors. I think that’s probably because God comes to us the same way, bursting through all our walls or whispering to us in our moments of rest. And we can’t really find Joy if we don’t know the God who so graciously fills us with it. Sunday I felt the quiet type of Joy as I walked alongside my husband surrounded by a winter created and given by a God who so dearly loves us. And today I belly laughed with some very tiny kiddos who are dear to my heart and God reminded me that His Joy is meant to radiate from us, to be made visible, to change our lives. Jesus, the Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords comes to us so quietly, as an infant born not into an earthly throne room but instead into a manger bed. While the world kept spinning, mostly unaware of the gift that had just been delivered, Mary and Joseph quietly rejoiced and the Angels in Heaven rejoiced along with them. There was a quiet joy happening here on earth accompanied by the loud and beautiful kind of joy in the Heavens. And it’s just a reiteration of yesterday’s post I guess, but I’m still finding it resoundingly true, that we are never alone in the Joy of Lord. Heaven rejoices because of the Christ child who is the reason for all of our Joy. That thought reminds me so much of how family works, rejoicing with us from far away, cheering us on even if they can’t be right here with us. Heaven is our home, Jesus came here to bring us back there. And the thought that we have an eternal family who loves us so much, fills me with so much Joy. Both the loud and the quiet kind. It’s our Father God who is the source of all our Joy, and it is through His Son that the gift of Salvation Joy arrives. 

In Him, 

A Fellow Grace Wanderer

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